- Parameters
adjustMethod integer
dxWest real
dxEast real
dyNorth real
dySouth real
- comment
- patch
- Source
- Blizzard.j
- return type
- Source code
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ takes integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth returns nothing local real minX = 0 local real minY = 0 local real maxX = 0 local real maxY = 0 local real scale = 0 if (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_ADD) then set scale = 1 elseif (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_SUB) then set scale = -1 else // Unrecognized adjustment method - ignore the request. return endif // Adjust the actual camera values set minX = GetCameraBoundMinX() - scale * dxWest set maxX = GetCameraBoundMaxX() + scale * dxEast set minY = GetCameraBoundMinY() - scale * dySouth set maxY = GetCameraBoundMaxY() + scale * dyNorth // Make sure the camera bounds are still valid. if (maxX < minX) then set minX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5 set maxX = minX endif if (maxY < minY) then set minY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5 set maxY = minY endif // Apply the new camera values. call SetCameraBounds(minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY) endfunction