- Parameters
whichEffect effect
target effect
alpha integer
0 - fully transparent, 255 - fully opaque. Values outside this range do nothing.
- comment
Sets the transparency of the effect's main model.
If current effect is attached to something (another effect or unit) then this doesn't apply alpha. Instead you must change the transparency of the "owning" effect/unit that current effect was attached to.
- bug
v1.36.2 in SD (HD?): Only changes the visibility of the main model. For example, Sorceress 'hsor' missile is a firebird with trailing fire. With alpha set to 0, you cannot see the bird but can see the fire trail (unaffected).
firebird = AddSpecialEffect([[Abilities\Weapons\SorceressMissile\SorceressMissile.mdl]], 128, 0) firebirdTransparent = AddSpecialEffect([[Abilities\Weapons\SorceressMissile\SorceressMissile.mdl]], 256, 0) BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha(firebirdTransparent, 0)
- patch
- Source
- common.j
- return type
- Source code
native BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha takes effect whichEffect, integer alpha returns nothing