- Parameters
whichPlayer player
startLoc location
doHeroes boolean
doCamera boolean
doPreload boolean
- comment
- patch
- Source
- Blizzard.j
- return type
- Source code
function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local integer index if (doPreload) then endif set index = 0 loop call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'nshe', GetLocationX(startLoc) + GetRandomReal(-256, 256), GetLocationY(startLoc) + GetRandomReal(-256, 256), GetRandomReal(0, 360)) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == 12 endloop if (doHeroes) then // Give them a "free hero" token, out of pity. call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial sheep. call SetCameraPositionLocForPlayer(whichPlayer, startLoc) call SetCameraQuickPositionLocForPlayer(whichPlayer, startLoc) endif endfunction