
whichHero unit

The hero to modify.

howManyLevels integer

The levels to subtract.


Decreases the level of a hero.

Returns false if whichHero is not a hero. Returns false if howManyLevels is negative or 0. Returns false if the hero is level 1. Otherwise returns true. I.e., returns true if any levels were actually subtracted.


The level can be reduced to 1 at most.


If howManyLevels is negative, the level of the hero will be reduced to 1.


The hero attributes agility, intelligence, and strength will be decreased according to the increments per level multiplied with the effective amount of levels stripped.


Skillpoints will be taken away in the amount of effective amount of levels stripped up to a minimum of 0 skillpoints.


Learned hero abilities whose requirements are no longer fulfilled due to the level reduction will be unlearned, respectively their level will be reduced. The invested skillpoints will be restored.


Concerning the restoring of skillpoints from unlearning, stripping levels away can only reduce skillpoints or be neutral (per reduced level), it won't add skillpoints even if multiple abilities/ability levels were unlearned.


In relation to the previous note, abilities will be unleaned/reduced in level even if the cheat whoisjohngalt is being used (which overrides learning requirements).


Learned hero abilities will be unlearned if the level reduction leads to the hero having less total skillpoints (as determined by level and modification via UnitModifySkillPoints) then are invested in abilities. E.g., when a hero is level 2 and is given an additional skillpoint via UnitModifySkillPoints, there will be 3 skillpoints that can be used to learn the first level of 3 abilities (that each require level 1). Now, when 1 level is stripped from the hero, the hero is supposed to only remain with 2 skillpoints and will unlearn 1 of the previously learned abilities to free the skillpoint that needs to be subtracted. Abilities that appear earlier in the hero ability list (heroAbilList) are prioritized in this unlearning mechanism.



return type
Source code
native          UnitStripHeroLevel  takes unit whichHero, integer howManyLevels returns boolean