- Parameters
whichPlayer player
expose boolean
- comment
- bug
Leaks handle
: In Jass you must set local variables that hold agents (or any child type) tonull
at the end of functions to avoid reference counter leaks.- patch
- Source
- Blizzard.j
- return type
- Source code
function MeleeExposePlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean expose returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local force toExposeTo = CreateForce() call CripplePlayer( whichPlayer, toExposeTo, false ) set bj_playerIsExposed[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = expose set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (not PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then call ForceAddPlayer( toExposeTo, indexPlayer ) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop call CripplePlayer( whichPlayer, toExposeTo, expose ) call DestroyForce(toExposeTo) endfunction